XX university campus is located in XXX, not only has the sea and mountain scenery, the traffic is very convenient. The campus covers an area of XXX, XX built in accordance with the mountain, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the hill, from high to low can be divided into three layers, after decades of management, flowers and trees everywhere pond, XX style of architecture set off in the meantime. XX is also many birds and animals insect fish habitats, the school also tried to protect ecological campus.

XX campus should walk appropriate hiking, walking in the meantime, but far view birds, nearly reflectance reward. Walk on the campus pedestrian space, like a mountain vaginal upward, from university started to any college for the end point, walk, will be via the elegant lotus pond, cui tile Dan column on both sides of buildings, trees lines of avenue, quiet courtyard famous sculpture, winners of the building, as well as other or artificial or natural scenery, also strangles them with attention. Every this a variety of, all make XX university as research with great concentration, cultivating virtue talents of good place.

In order to make the long-term development of the campus to follow, XX make the campus development plan, in view of the university teaching, learning and research needs, for as far as 2021 years and later campus development, planning with the prospective and favorable for the sustainable development of the blueprint. This basis, XX in academic achievement and campus sustainability in one of the world first-class university, a roles.

并特设通识教 育,以拓宽学生视野,及培养综合思考能力

使学生在瞬息万变的现代社会中学院是区内商科教育的翘楚,其两所学院和四个学系提供的都是最优质的课程。学院开 办的工商管理硕士课程和行政人员工商管理硕士课程国际知名,一向在区内和世界位列前茅。