The college of business

College is the education business leader, its two colleges and four departments provide


Education college

Education college course with new teaching method is famous, and course covers the vast and deep

Institute of law

Institute of law and international professional organization and institution of close contact. The


Unique academy system

For many XX for graduates in the new friend, the academy dormitory of a certain conversations or hot discussion, is an important segment in memory. The academy is close small group, close communication between teachers and students, peer to grow together. All XX students can choose a college, become a part of the hospital. Each college is unique, have their own culture, but gathering together, but shaped XX university spirit.

The academy is harmonious group, each have dormitory, dining hall and other facilities. The academy emphatically holistic development, various kinds of activities, let the student for his university life added color. These activities include overseas exchange and travel plan, seminars, then plan, community service, Chinese, information technology and leadership training, there are a variety of students social organizations of extracurricular activities.

The academy provide many informal education opportunities, and normal course supplement each other, aims to cultivate students' interpersonal skills, culture taste, self-confidence and sense of responsibility. Students can make good use of scholarships and financial aid plan give full play to the potential of personal growth.

Many XX graduates said, college life is they are studying during the most unforgettable memories.

并特设通识教 育,以拓宽学生视野,及培养综合思考能力

使学生在瞬息万变的现代社会中学院是区内商科教育的翘楚,其两所学院和四个学系提供的都是最优质的课程。学院开 办的工商管理硕士课程和行政人员工商管理硕士课程国际知名,一向在区内和世界位列前茅。